Ibiza (29th of August)
to Palermo (5th of September)
Price: 11900 NOK
Our short pitstop at Ibiza completed, on the 30th of August we will then set sail in the direction of the rising sun – eastwards. We will venture further into the Mediterranean and away from any sight of land.
Although we won’t see it we will spend a few days running a course parallel with the coast line of Algeria and Tunisia. Expect some great days of beautiful sailing with good new friends!
Here we will experience consistent wind conditions which often build and strengthen as the afternoon progresses, often then to die down a little as the evening arrives.
We will sail under the island of Sardinia, over the tip of Tunisia and make our final approach towards the island of Sicily and the port of Palermo.
Palermo will without doubt be a lot of fun, especially if you enjoy a good splash! Hosted by the awesome team at OYWO (One Year Water Only) and YWAM Italy, we plan on inviting Italians aboard to dive into the water – we can promise you it’s going to be epic! Bring your bathing suits, kites, snorkelling gear and sunglasses.
The other Stages of the Journey
Oslo – Moster Return Journey
Jerusalem Journey: We will embark to sail the same route as did King Sigurd Jorsalfare and his 60 ships with 6000 men in AD 1108-1110.