Lisbon (22nd of August)
to Ibiza (29th of August)
Price: 11900 NOK
We depart from the port of Lisbon early on 22nd August and begin our journey by passing beneath the ‘25 de Abril’ bridge.
Off to its side we will see the 110m tall ‘Christ the King’ statue overlooking us as we sail the last few kilometres of the longest river of the entire Iberian peninsula – the Tagus! Be prepared to spot both whales and dolphins as we travel along the coast of the magnificent Iberian peninsula.
Everyone will have 4 hours duty sailing and 8 hours off duty. Added to that will be a one hour duty to intercede and worship in the prayer room on board. Be it climbing up in the masts rigging the sails or scrubbing potatoes below deck it’s all part of doing your bit for the good of the crew and the success of the voyage!
Threading the straights of Gibraltar on a sailing vessel is a once in a lifetime experience that you will be lucky enough to enjoy should you join us for this part of the tour. On your right hand side you will clearly see the northern tip of Morocco, on your left you will nearly touch the coast of southern Spain. The straight of Gibraltar truly is the gateway to the historical center of world culture and civilization that is the Mediterranean!
Our goal for this leg is the renowned party capital of Europe – the small Spanish island of Ibiza.
Once at the Island we too will throw ourselves wholeheartedly into the party scene – however in a slightly different way. Be prepared be a witness to the light as you meet people from all over Europe who every year flock to Ibiza during the summer months.
Of course, there will be plenty of time during the day to swim and really enjoy the island which will be the first stop in the Mediterranean part of our voyage – you’ll certainly notice the difference in the temperature of the water!
The other Stages of the Journey
Oslo – Moster Return Journey
Jerusalem Journey: We will embark to sail the same route as did King Sigurd Jorsalfare and his 60 ships with 6000 men in AD 1108-1110.