Bergen (1st of August)
to London (8th of August)
Price: 11900 NOK
This epic adventure starts where Sigurd Jorsalfar started his own, in the city of Bergen. On the 1st of August many will gather in the harbor, sending the ship away on this historical journey. We’re sure the sunset will be amazing that night!
At noon we will set sail carrying a letter that will be brought back to the Jewish people; a thanks in writing for the heritage that has blessed us for a thousand years. This letter will be given to us at the National 1000-year Jubilee of Christian Law at the Island of Moster, on the 1st of June 2024.
As we leave the fjord landscape of West coast Norway, we will go on a journey back to our roots, so that we can set a course for the future.
At this point the North Sea will be waiting for us! Be prepared for long summer nights accompanied by whales and crying seabirds. The fellowship will be amazing on a ship like this. Everyone will have 4 hours duty sailing and 8 hours off duty. Added to that will be a one hour watch to intercede and worship in the prayer room on board.
On the 7th of August we will arrive at the shores of England. We will enter the River Thames, passing the Island of Sheppey on our left side. What an extraordinary opportunity to sail on a tall ship on the Thames all the way into the heart of London! Finally, the gates of Tower Bridge will open and welcome us at our docking destination beside the warship “M/S Belfast”, a memorial ship from World War II.
In London we will pray and worship together, sharing God’s love for people during the day, and demonstrating his goodness in a practical way. Of course, there will be time to eat fish and chips!
On the 8th of August you will be finished with this stage of the journey, and new people will come on board the ship.
The other Stages of the Journey
Oslo – Moster Return Journey
Jerusalem Journey: We will embark to sail the same route as did King Sigurd Jorsalfare and his 60 ships with 6000 men in AD 1108-1110.