Palermo, Sicily (5th of September)
to Cyprus or Haifa (20th of September)
Price: 22100 NOK
Does not include costs for travel, housing and food on land in Cyrpus/Israel. Additional costs could be approx 5-10,000 NOK, we will contact any applicants with the details closer to the time of the journey.
Important: Israel is currently at war. Our peace journey will adhere to the official travel advice from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the situation in Israel is not significantly improved by next year, we will sail to Cyprus instead of Haifa.
On the morning of the 5th of September we’ll set sail southwards again, this time in the wake of another famous apostle – Paul, the carrier of the Gospel to the Gentiles.
This journey is a long one and there will be good sailing! We will take in the sights and see the island of Crete and other small Greek islands as we learn the ropes together.
Everyone will have 4 hours duty sailing and 8 hours off duty. Added to that will be a one hour duty to intercede and worship in the prayer room on board.
If we arrive in Cyprus
If our journey takes us to Cyprus, we will arrive at the port of Limassol, on the 17th of September.
Here we will be hosted by a large group of believers from different areas all around the island.
We will bless Israel and pray and intercede for peace over that land. We will lift the incense of worship and praise as a sweet fragrance, seeking the Lord for his favour to rest on the Jewish people.
As we remain there, we will also of course learn about the history of Cyprus and hear how God is at work. We will taste, see and hear of the delights of this jewel of the Mediterranean!
The official program would end on September 20th in Cyprus.
If we arrive in Israel
Whether we end up in the beautiful old town of Acre, or the lively port of Haifa, we will all take our place on deck or in the rigging as we look towards the Israeli shore. Perhaps we’ll sing “Hevenu shalom Aleichem” (We Come to Greet You in Peace) to our Jewish friends as we enter the port with gratitude.
From Haifa, we will travel by land to our final stop in Jerusalem and deliver our letter of thanksgiving. We will officially give our apology to representatives of Israel on behalf of Norway’s 1000 year Jubilee at Moster. Whilst there, we will celebrate the completion of our trip with a worship and prayer service in the city of Ariel itself!
The official program would end on September 20th in Jerusalem, though of course people will be free to remain longer in the country and take advantage of being in Israel. We at least look forward to celebrating with our Jewish friends as we explore their culture and their nation.
The other Stages of the Journey
Oslo – Moster Return Journey
Jerusalem Journey: We will embark to sail the same route as did King Sigurd Jorsalfare and his 60 ships with 6000 men in AD 1108-1110.