Santiago de Compostela (17th of August)
to Lisbon (22nd of August)
Price: 8500 NOK
From Villa Garcia de Arousa we will cruise along the spectacular coastline of Spain and Portugal. In general there will be constant wind from the North known as the “Portuguese North”, starting at around noon and increasing in the afternoon. This means a beautiful day of sailing on the azure blue ocean until sunset.
If the wind is good and we are ahead of schedule, why not make a stop in a beautiful bay and dive from the ships side? Remember to bring your snorkelling gear! There might be beautiful things to see under the surface.
To sail a ship together is a fantastic experience. It will take all of us to sail this vessel. It is the ultimate team building experience, and you will definitely build new friendships on the way.
Everyone will have 4 hours duty sailing and 8 hours off duty. Added to that will be a one hour duty to intercede and worship in the prayer room on board.
Lisbon is the capitol of Portugal and is known for it’s postcard-perfect panorama with cobbled alleyways, ancient ruins and white-domed cathedrals. It is definitely a lively city, with a long history.
Sigurd Jorsalfare fought a battle close to the city, at the castle of Sintra and another battle closer to the City Center. We don’t know if his enemies were other non-Catholic Christians or Muslims, but the story says that he won the battles and gave the defeated a choice to repent or die.
We will come with peace this time. Joining our friends in the city, we will join others and worship together as we aim to spread God’s love both with words and practically, depicting the true nature of the Gospel.
If there are waves, you might try out the surfing close to Lisbon. And it will be mandatory for all to visit a local dining place and eat Bacalao!
The other Stages of the Journey
Oslo – Moster Return Journey
Jerusalem Journey: We will embark to sail the same route as did King Sigurd Jorsalfare and his 60 ships with 6000 men in AD 1108-1110.